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566 Results Returned


unknownShip Details
1784Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,81
1785Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 15 Mar 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,335
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 15 Mar 1785
1785Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,208
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,81
1785Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,335
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/45,208
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/47,93
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/46,321
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/47,93
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/46,212
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/46,321
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/46,212
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 4 Dec 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 4 Dec 1787
1788Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)LL, 4 Apr 1788; BT98/48,120
1788Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)LL, 4 Apr 1788; BT98/48,120
1788Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)Bt98/48,305
1788Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)Bt98/48,305
1789Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/49,404
1789Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)LL, 8 May 1789; BT98/49,141
1789Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)LL, 8 May 1789; BT98/49,141
1789Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley, Ralph)BT98/49,404
1790Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 26 Mar 1790
1790Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thorley)LL, 26 Mar 1790


unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Smith)LL, 6 Oct 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Smith)LL, 6 Oct 1789
1794Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Smith, Michael)BT98/55,19/06
1794Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Smith, Michael)BT98/55,19/06
1795Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Smith, Michael)BT98/55,19/06
1795Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Smith, Michael)BT98/55,19/06


unknownShip Details
1788Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 14 July 1789; BT98/49,238
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 6 July 1790; BT98/50,194
1789Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 14 July 1789; BT98/49,238
1790Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 6 July 1790; BT98/50,194
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 22 July 1791; BT98/52,259
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)BT98/52,259
1791Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 22 July 1791; BT98/52,259
1792Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 6 Sept 1793; BT98/53,292
1792Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)BT98/52,259
1793Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Maine, Samuel)LL, 6 Sept 1793; BT98/53,292


unknownShip Details
1788Departed on a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Christian, Thomas)BT98/49,72
1789Returned from a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Christian, Thomas)BT98/49,72

Jonge Roke

unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Newport)LL, 16 Oct 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Newport)LL, 16 Oct 1789
1790Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Newport)LL, 14 Dec 1790
1790Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Newport)LL, 14 Dec 1790


unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Halder)LL, 28 July 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Halder)LL, 28 July 1789
1790Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Halder)LL, 22 Oct 1790
1790Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Halder)LL, 22 Oct 1790

John & Elizabeth

unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Bessom)LL, 1 Jul 1788
1788Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Bessom)LL, 3 Apr 1789
1788Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Bessom)LL, 1 Jul 1788
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Bessom)LL, 3 Apr 1789

Good Intent

unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler)LL, 4 May 1790
1789Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/49,378
1789Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/49,378
1790Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler)LL, 4 May 1790
1790Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/50,197
1790Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/50,197
1792Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/52,329
1792Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Tyler, William)BT98/52,329

Fortitude Success

unknownShip Details
1779Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,43
1779Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,43
1779Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,43
1780Returned from a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1780Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,43
1780Departed on a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1780Returned from a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1780Departed on a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1780Returned from a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1780Departed on a Voyage to the Irish Sea (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/40,189
1781Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1781Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,81
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1782Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/42,236
1784Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1784Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1784Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1784Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1784Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/44,256
1784Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/44,256
1784Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/44,256
1784Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/44,256
1785Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes)LL, 24 Jan 1786
1785Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1785Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1785Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1785Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1785Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1785Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1786Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes)LL, 14 Mar 1786
1786Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1786Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes)LL, 24 Jan 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes)LL, 14 Mar 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/46,120
1788Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)Bt98/48,289
1788Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)Bt98/48,289
1789Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John )BT98/51,200
1789Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John.)BT98/49,377
1789Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John.)BT98/49,377
1790Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John )BT98/51,200
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/57,220
1797Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/60,175
1800Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Hughes, John)BT98/60,175

Martha Washington

unknownShip Details
1788Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Tobin, John)LL, 10 Apr 1789; BT98/49,186
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Tobin, John)LL, 10 Apr 1789; BT98/49,186

Earl Liverpool

unknownShip Details
1789Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Heale, John)BT98/50,258
1789Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Heale, John)BT98/50,258
1790Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Heale, John)LL, 8 June 1790; BT98/50,258
1790Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Heale, John)LL, 8 June 1790; BT98/50,258


unknownShip Details
1788Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Lennox, George)LL, 11 Aug 1789; BT98/49,249
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Lennox, George)LL, 11 Aug 1789; BT98/49,249

Deux Soeurs

unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Warren)LL, 24 Apr 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Warren)LL, 24 Apr 1789

Kitty's Amelia

unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Coombs)LL, 20 Nov 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Coombs)LL, 20 Nov 1789

John Bull

unknownShip Details
1789Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Stevenson)LL, 28 Aug 1789
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Stevenson)LL, 28 Aug 1789

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