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467 Results Returned


unknownShip Details
1785Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hendry, James)LL, 3 Feb 1786; BT98/46,167
1786Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hendry, James)LL, 3 Feb 1786; BT98/46,167
1786Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Hendry, James)BT98/47,79
1787Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Hendry, James)BT98/47,79
1787Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Hendry, James)BT98/48,392
1788Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Hendry, James)BT98/48,392


unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Elstrom)LL, 18 Sep 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Elstrom)LL, 18 Sep 1787

Diana Talbot

unknownShip Details
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/46,7
1785Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/46,7
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/46,197
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/47,13
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/46,197
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles)LL, 13 Nov 1787
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)LL, 2 Mar 1787; BT98/47,78
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/47,13
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles)LL, 13 Nov 1787
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/48,92
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/48,1
1787Departed on a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/47,170
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)LL, 2 Mar 1787; BT98/47,78
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/48,1
1787Returned from a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/47,170
1788Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles)LL, 18 Mar 1788
1788Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles, John)BT98/48,92
1788Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Hayles)LL, 18 Mar 1788


unknownShip Details
1785Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Adair)LL, 11 Oct 1785
1785Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 27 Jun 1786
1785Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Adair)LL, 11 Oct 1785
1786Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 27 Jun 1786
1787Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 13 May 1788
1788Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 9 Jan 1789
1788Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 13 May 1788
1789Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Adair)LL, 9 Jan 1789


unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Hatton, William)BT98/49,151
1787Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hatton, William)LL, 25 Sep 1787; BT98/47,383
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hatton, William)LL, 25 Sep 1787; BT98/47,383
1788Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Hatton, William)BT98/49,151


unknownShip Details
1785Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 20 Jun 1785
1785Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 6 Sep 1785
1785Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 24 Jan 1786
1785Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 20 Jun 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 6 Sep 1785
1786Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 12 Dec 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 24 Jan 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 12 Dec 1786
1787Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 17 Apr 1787
1787Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 3 Aug 1787
1787Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 11 Jan 1788
1787Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 17 Apr 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 3 Aug 1787
1788Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Paul)LL, 11 Jan 1788


unknownShip Details
1785Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Crow)LL, 21 Oct 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Crow)LL, 21 Oct 1785
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow)LL, 28 Jul 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow)LL, 28 Jul 1786
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 28 Aug 1787; BT98/47,278
1787Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 27 May 1788; BT98/48,145
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 28 Aug 1787; BT98/47,278
1788Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 27 May 1788; BT98/48,145
1788Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 3 Oct 1788; Bt98/48,375
1788Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 3 Oct 1788; Bt98/48,375
1789Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 23 Oct 1789; Bt98/49,362
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 2 July 1790; BT98/50,164
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 30 June 1789; BT98/49,180
1789Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 30 June 1789; BT98/49,180
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 23 Oct 1789; Bt98/49,362
1790Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James )LL, 17 Dec 1790; BT98/51,19
1790Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James)LL, 2 July 1790; BT98/50,164
1790Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James )LL, 17 Dec 1790; BT98/51,19
1791Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, Jas)LL, 28 Oct 1791; BT98/51,396
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James )LL, 1 July 1791; BT98/51,171
1791Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, James )LL, 1 July 1791; BT98/51,171
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Crow, Jas)LL, 28 Oct 1791; BT98/51,396


unknownShip Details
1784Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 21 Jan 1785
1784Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 15 Jul 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 21 Jan 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 15 Jul 1785
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 4 May 1787
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 8 May 1787
1787Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 28 Sep 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 4 May 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 8 May 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler)LL, 28 Sep 1787
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis)LL, 3 July 1789; BT98/49,200
1789Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis)LL, 3 July 1789; BT98/49,200
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis )BT98/50,270
1790Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis )BT98/50,270
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis)LL, 16 July 1792; BT98/52,269
1792Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Butler, Lewis)LL, 16 July 1792; BT98/52,269

Re Union

unknownShip Details
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker)LL, 2 Jan 1787
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)BT98/46,134
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)LL, 1 Sep 1786; BT98/46,278
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)BT98/46,134
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)LL, 1 Sep 1786; BT98/46,278
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)BT98/47,46
1787Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker)LL, 18 May 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker)LL, 2 Jan 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, Joseph)BT98/47,46
1787Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker)LL, 18 May 1787


unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hill, Matthew)LL, 8 Jul 1788; BT98/48,235
1788Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Hill, Matthew)LL, 8 Jul 1788; BT98/48,235


unknownShip Details
1783Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/43,283
1783Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/43,283
1784Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/44,315
1784Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/44,315
1785Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/45,192
1785Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/45,192
1785Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)LL, 18 Apr 1786; BT98/46,112
1786Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/47,27
1786Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)LL, 18 Apr 1786; BT98/46,112
1786Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/47,27
1787Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/47,372
1787Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Forbes, Simon)BT98/47,372

Muther Suse

unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to Spain Atlantic (Captained by Ward, John)BT98/47,169
1787Returned from a Voyage to Spain Atlantic (Captained by Ward, John)BT98/47,169


unknownShip Details
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer)LL, 28 Jul 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer)LL, 28 Jul 1786
1786Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 21 Sep 1787; BT98/47,332
1787Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 19 Aug 1788; BT98/48,287
1787Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 21 Sep 1787; BT98/47,332
1788Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 19 Aug 1788; BT98/48,287
1788Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 28 Aug 1789; BT98/49,316
1789Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 24 Aug 1790; BT98/50,302
1789Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 28 Aug 1789; BT98/49,316
1790Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 27 Sept 1791; BT98/51,356
1790Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 24 Aug 1790; BT98/50,302
1791Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)BT98/52,455
1791Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 27 Sept 1791; BT98/51,356
1792Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 6 Sept 1793; BT98/53,325
1792Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)BT98/52,455
1793Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Mercer, Thomas)LL, 6 Sept 1793; BT98/53,325


unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Towers)LL, 16 Oct 1787
1787Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Towers)LL, 16 Oct 1787
1793Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Towers)LL, 30 Aug 1793
1793Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Towers)LL, 30 Aug 1793


unknownShip Details
1785Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Dykes)LL, 30 May 1786
1786Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Dykes)LL, 30 May 1786
1786Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Dykes, William)LL, 9 Jan 1787; BT98/47,16
1787Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Dykes, William)LL, 9 Jan 1787; BT98/47,16
1787Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Dykes, William)BT98/47,211
1787Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Dykes, William)BT98/47,211
1788Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Dykes)LL, 4 Nov 1788
1788Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Dykes)LL, 4 Nov 1788

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