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657 Results Returned

Juliana Prospero

unknownShip Details
1787Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 21 Aug 1787; BT98/47,255
1787Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 21 Aug 1787; BT98/47,255
1788Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 22 Aug 1788; BT98/48,376
1788Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 22 Aug 1788; BT98/48,376
1789Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 1 Sept 1789; BT98/49,339
1789Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 1 Sept 1789; BT98/49,339
1790Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William )LL, 12 Nov 1790; BT98/51,317
1790Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 16 July 1790; BT98/50,230
1790Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 16 July 1790; BT98/50,230
1790Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William )LL, 12 Nov 1790; BT98/51,317
1791Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William )LL, 5 Aug 1791; BT98/51,318
1791Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William )LL, 5 Aug 1791; BT98/51,318
1792Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 14 Dec 1792; BT98/53,62
1792Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/52,294
1792Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Bell, William)LL, 14 Dec 1792; BT98/53,62
1792Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/52,294
1793Departed on a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/54,20
1793Returned from a Voyage to the Arctic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/54,20
1794Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/54,273
1794Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Bell, William)BT98/54,273


unknownShip Details
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ransey)LL, 1 Apr 1794
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ransey)LL, 1 Apr 1794


unknownShip Details
1790Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 26 Mar 1790; BT98/50,128
1790Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas )LL, 7 Jan 1791; BT98/51,72
1790Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 26 Mar 1790; BT98/50,128
1790Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 3 Sept 1790; BT98/50,297
1790Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 3 Sept 1790; BT98/50,297
1791Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas )LL, 7 Jan 1791; BT98/51,72
1791Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/52,81
1791Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/51,304
1791Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/51,304
1791Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/52,81
1792Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/52,335
1792Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/52,335
1792Departed on a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 19 Mar 1793; BT98/53,241
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1793Returned from a Voyage to France Atlantic (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 19 Mar 1793; BT98/53,241
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1794Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)Bt98/54,81
1794Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/44,13/04
1794Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/44,13/04
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 11 July 1794; BT98/54,286
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)LL, 11 July 1794; BT98/54,286
1795Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/44,13/04
1795Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Herbert, Thomas)BT98/44,13/04


unknownShip Details
1792Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Meredith)LL, 15 Jan 1793
1793Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Meredith)LL, 15 Jan 1793
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Meredith)LL, 1 Apr 1794
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Meredith)LL, 1 Apr 1794


unknownShip Details
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Peters)LL, 3 Mar 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Peters)LL, 3 Mar 1795


unknownShip Details
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Spencer)LL, 4 July 1794
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Spencer)LL, 4 July 1794
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Spencer)LL, 17 July 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Spencer)LL, 17 July 1795


unknownShip Details
1784Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Thomas)LL, 8 Feb 1785
1785Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Thomas)LL, 8 Feb 1785
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Thomas)LL, 1 Apr 1794
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Thomas)LL, 1 Apr 1794


unknownShip Details
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Rider)LL, 23 Jan 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Rider)LL, 23 Jan 1795


unknownShip Details
1794Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Kelly, Samuel)BT98/54,239
1794Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Kelly, Samuel)BT98/54,239


unknownShip Details
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Williams)LL, 4 Sept 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Williams)LL, 4 Sept 1795
1797Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Williams)LL, 1 June 1798
1798Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Williams)LL, 1 June 1798


unknownShip Details
1790Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts)LL, 25 Feb 1791
1791Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/52,58
1791Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts)LL, 25 Feb 1791
1791Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/52,58
1791Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/52,58
1791Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/52,58
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1793Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1794Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1794Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1794Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1794Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1795Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1795Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1795Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/55,11/07
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1796Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,114
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1796Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/56,317
1797Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Roberts)LL, 10 Nov 1797
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Roberts)LL, 10 Nov 1797
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,357
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,180
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,357
1797Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,357
1797Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/57,357
1798Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)LL, 27 Feb 1798; BT98/58,230
1798Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)LL, 27 Feb 1798; BT98/58,230
1798Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/58,230
1798Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewellyn)LL, 11 Jan 1799; BT98/59,60
1799Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewellyn)LL, 11 Jan 1799; BT98/59,60
1800Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/61,115
1801Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/61,115
1801Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/61,115
1801Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/61,115
1802Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Jeweler)BT98/63,70
1802Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Jeweler)BT98/63,70
1802Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Jeweler)BT98/63,70
1803Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Jeweler)BT98/63,70
1803Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1803Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)LL, 12 Apr 1803; BT98/63,296
1803Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewellyn)BT98/63,296
1803Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)LL, 12 Apr 1803; BT98/63,296
1803Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewellyn)BT98/63,296
1803Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts)LL, 19 Oct 1804
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/64,187
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts)LL, 19 Oct 1804
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1806Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/66,39
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418
1807Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Roberts, Llewelyn)BT98/67,418

Myers Moses

unknownShip Details
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by White)LL, 26 Mar 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by White)LL, 26 Mar 1795


unknownShip Details
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Wood)LL, 15 Jan 1796
1796Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Wood)LL, 15 Jan 1796
1799Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wood)LL, 5 Nov 1799
1799Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wood)LL, 5 Nov 1799
1805Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Wood)LL, 30 May 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Wood)LL, 30 May 1806

Carolina Packet

unknownShip Details
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Green)LL, 21 July 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Green)LL, 21 July 1795


unknownShip Details
1795Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Bennett)LL, 17 Nov 1795
1795Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Bennett)LL, 17 Nov 1795
1798Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Bennett)LL, 10 July 1798
1798Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Bennett)LL, 10 July 1798

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