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1074 Results Returned

Pedro Valley

unknownShip Details
1803Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1803Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1804Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1806Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1806Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/67,48
1806Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1806Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1806Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/66,115
1806Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Ireland, John)BT98/67,48


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wateren)LL, 25 July 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wateren)LL, 25 July 1806


unknownShip Details
1805Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 20 May 1806
1806Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 12 May 1807
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 20 May 1806
1807Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 23 Oct 1807
1807Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 23 Oct 1807
1807Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Scott)LL, 12 May 1807


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Franklin)LL, 10 Oct 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Franklin)LL, 10 Oct 1806


unknownShip Details
1803Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1803Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1803Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1803Departed on a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1803Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1803Returned from a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1803Departed on a Voyage to Wales (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/64,46
1804Returned from a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1804Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1805Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,437
1806Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Returned from a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Returned from a Voyage (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,200
1806Departed on a Voyage to Ireland (Captained by Phillips, William)BT98/66,437


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Jacobson)LL, 5 Aug 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Jacobson)LL, 5 Aug 1806


unknownShip Details
1805Departed on a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Wright)LL, 23 Aug 1805
1805Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wright)LL, 30 May 1806
1805Returned from a Voyage to the North Sea (Captained by Wright)LL, 23 Aug 1805
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Wright)LL, 30 May 1806


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Butcher)LL, 28 Oct 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to the Baltic (Captained by Butcher)LL, 28 Oct 1806

Edward & Mary

unknownShip Details
1802Departed on a Voyage to Canada (Captained by Rogerson)LL, 4 Jan 1803
1802Returned from a Voyage to Canada (Captained by Rogerson)LL, 4 Jan 1803
1804Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Rogerson, William)BT98/66,120
1806Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Rogerson, William)LL, 4 Nov 1806; BT98/66,479
1806Returned from a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Rogerson, William)BT98/66,120
1806Departed on a Voyage to the Mediterranean (Captained by Rogerson, William)LL, 4 Nov 1806; BT98/66,479


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Seymour)LL, 8 Aug 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to Portugal (Captained by Seymour)LL, 8 Aug 1806


unknownShip Details
1804Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 20 Nov 1804; BT98/64,410
1804Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 20 Nov 1804; BT98/64,410
1805Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 2 July 1805; BT98/65,282
1805Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 2 July 1805; BT98/65,282
1806Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 24 Oct 1806; BT98/66,422
1806Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 10 June 1806; BT98/66,212
1806Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 10 June 1806; BT98/66,212
1806Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 24 Oct 1806; BT98/66,422
1807Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 26 May 1807; BT98/67,224
1807Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 10 Nov 1807; BT98/68,89
1807Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 26 May 1807; BT98/67,224
1807Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Lewis, Owen)LL, 10 Nov 1807; BT98/68,89


unknownShip Details
1806Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Southwaite)LL, 31 Oct 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Southwaite)LL, 31 Oct 1806


unknownShip Details
1805Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Manson)LL, 28 Feb 1806
1806Departed on a Voyage to North America (Captained by Manson)LL, 5 Aug 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Manson)LL, 28 Feb 1806
1806Returned from a Voyage to North America (Captained by Manson)LL, 5 Aug 1806


unknownShip Details
1805Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Parker, George)LL, 19 Aug 1806; BT98/66,358
1806Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Parker, George)LL, 16 June 1807; BT98/67,235
1806Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Parker, George)LL, 19 Aug 1806; BT98/66,358
1807Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Parker, George)LL, 16 June 1807; BT98/67,235
1807Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, George)BT98/67,383
1807Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Parker, George)BT98/67,383

Richard & James

unknownShip Details
1805Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Wilson)LL, 24 June 1806
1805Returned from a Voyage to England (Captained by Wilson, John)BT98/65,441
1805Departed on a Voyage to England (Captained by Wilson, John)BT98/65,441
1806Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Wilson)LL, 24 June 1806
1806Departed on a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Wilson, John)LL, 10 Apr 1807; BT98/67,175
1807Returned from a Voyage to the West Indies (Captained by Wilson, John)LL, 10 Apr 1807; BT98/67,175

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