Search Results for: BAPT101429 - Baptised

Sarah Lewthwaite

2 February 1821 - Baptised by Her Parents Thomas Lewthwaite (Joiner) and Sarah of Brownlow Hill

Property NameProperty Value
First Name (With Contractions)Sarah
First Name (Without Contractions)Sarah
Parent's Occupation (As Documented)Joiner
Parent's Occupation (Standardised)Joiner
AbodeBrownlow Hill
ParishSt Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire
Date Of Baptism2 Feb 1821
Baptising MinisterP. Bulmer Curate
NotesNo. 1698 - This entry should be as follows. Sarah. Daughter of Maria Lewthwaite, single woman. This alteration was made on the eighteenth day of March 1832. Being within one week sfter the discovery of the error, in the presence of the mother. P. Bulmer Curate.
RegisterBaptisms 1820 - 1821, Page 213, Entry 1698
SourceLDS Film 1656418
ParentThomas Lewthwaite

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